zaterdag 12 oktober 2013

Tempel, kaart van Matthew uit Amerika

The Nine- Dragon Cypress is over 500 years old. Its thick branches and twisting trunk resembles nine coiling dragons winding themselfs upward, as if the nine dragons were saluting to the emperor, thus came the name of Nine- Dragons Cypress. Danbiqiao, the Red Stairway Bridge, connects the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest and the Circular Mould Altar. This 360-meter-long and 30-meter-wide bridge declines from north to south. Thus, every step he made from south to north, the emperor would feel ascending closer to Heaven.
Matthew, uit Hermitage USA, stuurde deze Chinese "Temple of Heaven"-kaart vanuit Zuid Korea, bijzonder...
De kaart heeft 14 dagen gedaan over 6, 294 km
Prachtige kaart !

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